PHP Scripts - Simple Bulletin Board - CodeCanyon
Simple Bulletin Board his title this type of PHPScripts/Miscellaneous This time I will review,made by themac, PHPScripts/Miscellaneous is sold at a price of $14 in CodeCanyon.board // board // bulletin board // communication // forum // guestbook // template // youtube //
Created | 15 September 09 |
Last Update | 15 November 12 |
Compatible Browsers | IE6, IE7, IE8, IE9, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome |
Software Version | PHP 5.x, MySQL 5.x |
High Resolution | No |
Files Included | JavaScript JS, HTML, CSS, PHP, Layered PNG |
Simple Bulletin Board 3.1 2012 Nov 14th
Keep in touch with updates and subscribe to
New since V3.1 some performance fixes and new admin tools – more infos in the changelog further down in the changelog
New since V3.01: some small and medium fixes
New since V3.0: SUPER-UPDATE Private Message System, Useradd for Administrators, own board avatars, autoresizing upped user avatars, new/unread topics indicator, different permissions for each forum, 3 Templates now (HTML4 & XHTML), andmuch much more, ...... more infos in the changelog further down
BUGFIX 2010-12-07 – till the next release is avail – for password reset and register function when guest viewing is disabled can be found here
New since V2.01: Poll and small language fix, instructions can be found here
New since V2.0: Some fixes, new handier language system, added useractivation, some maybe missed paginations, added whoisonline-block, board statistics block, attachments to posts, polls to topics, youtube support, added possibility to edit posts by users within defined timeslot, gravatar support, avatars, external smilies, txt exports, rss feeds, categories for forums, ... more infos in the changelog further down
New since V1.57: Small security update
New since V1.56: Small watch topic / watch forum bugfix
New since V1.55: User management is now part of the Board Administration, ability for the board admin to send messages to all users, added password forgotten function, added watch topic function, added watch forum function, ... more infos in the changelog further down
New since V1.5: SEO links and titles, board can be categorized with different forums, online Board Administration, search function – all updates can be found further down in the changelog – New including procedure
New since V1.46: Eliminated quoting troubles with consideration of PHP magic_quotes (will be bypassed now)
New since V1.45: captcha alternative w/o GD necessity but the same lookalike
extended and improved BB-Code support
more infos to the profiles on topicview
BB-Code support for signatures
New since V1.4: Doublepost-Prevention
Ability to create sticky topics
Ability to lock and unlock topics
Templates are more CSS controlled
New since V1.3: Avatars can be uploaded by users to their profiles
Signatures can be defined by the users
New since V1.2: Editing of posts for Amins and Mods
Increased the flexibility of the paging function
New since V1.1:CAPTCHA protection for registration
Page turning function for the topics overview
I’m using a framebuster for the demo to leave the TF-frame, cause there could be some troubles with Sessions and Frames of different domains
An easy to implement bulletin board for your homepage. Just add a view lines to one of your php-sites (e.g. myforum.php) and you have the board integrated to your website.
You are able to manage your members (activate, deactivate, delete them, edit them), nominate members to moderators or administrators, ...
It’s really new and reacts and wishes are welcome to improve the SBB.
- Protecting forum from non-registered users
- Private Messages System since V3.0
- Different permissions (view/post/reply) for different forums (including guests) since V3.0
- automatically resizeing of uploaded avatars since V3.0
- Indicating new topics since V3.0
- Added defaultXHTML template since V3.0
- Added CarbonCity template (dark XHTML) since V3.0
- Add users in the board administration since V3.0
- External statistics module since V3.0
- External last topics module since V3.0
- External board avatars since V3.0
- Possibility to order (asc/desc) users by name, joining date, last login in userlists since V3.0
- Enable/Disable registration since V1.5
- Online board Administration since V1.5
- Enable/Disable user to user messaging since V1.5
- SEO links and titles since V1.5
- Categories (forums) for your board since V1.5
- Overall search function since V1.5
- Protecting from doubleposts caused by reloading or double-clicks or smthg. else
since V1.4
- Topics can be made to sticky ones since V1.4
- Threads can bed locked (closed) since V1.4
- enable/disable CAPTCHA-protection for registration (thx -> GD Library with GIF Support required) since V1.1
- GD-CAPTCHA alternative, for those their server doesn’t support the GD-Library – same lookalike since V1.45
- enable/disable/set number of topics per page since V1.1
- Avatars can be uploaded by users to their profiles since V1.3
- Signatures can be defined by users since V1.3
- Own templates can be defined
- PNG-sources for the buttons are integrated
- Users can register themself and are able to post topics immediately after registration and logging in
- Administrators can make users to Administrators, Moderators and Default users
- Moderators are able to delete posts, delete complete topics, activate/deactivate/edit/delete users
- Adminfeature: moving topics since V3.1
- Adminfeature: multi topic management since V3.1
- Users can enable/disable board and user notifications
- Users can contact other users via the board (if notification enabled)
- Users will be notified if one of their active topics got a new post
- BB-Code for topics and posts is implemented
- Youtube Support since V2.0
- Attachments since V2.0
- Polls since V2.0
- RSS-Feeds since V2.0
- TextExports since V2.0
- Useractivation by User, by Admin, disabled since V2.0
- Whoisonline Block on frontpage since V2.0
- BoardStatistics on frontpage since V2.0
- Posts can be edited by users within defined timeslot (or not
) since V2.0
- Pagination for topics, posts, users and search results since V2.0
- Gravatar Support since V2.0
- Default Avatars since V2.0
- External Smilies since V2.0
- Multilanguage support English and German language support (filebased)
- ...
Examples of integration
- [Demo]
- [Live]
- [Live] (thx Gutimatico)
- [Live] (thx UI20)
username: admin
password: pass
Current Version Simple Bulletin Board 3.1 2012 Nov 14th
Update instructions are included AND every version you’re downloading is the full up2date version
Updates V3.1 2012-11-14- some PHP5.3 fixes
- added two great performance fixes for bigger boards
- possibility to move topics into other forums (for admininistrators and moderators)
- possibility to delete multiple topics within topics overview sites (for admininistrators and moderators)
- added missing field in questions table (for guest’s posting)
- IE textarea wrap bugfix in the administration (modrewrite section)
- fixed userrank display bug (empty topic starter rank image was shown when no rank was set)
- fixed bug in User Administration
- added Pagination for User Administration
- attached images will be displayed within the articles
- Fixed Reset Password Function (guests only)
- Register Funxtion (guests only)
- Fixed sendmail2all bug
- Possibility to add Users in the Board Administration
- Considering empty forums on start page
- Added possibility to handle your own board avatars
- Gravatar support on profile view
- Added automatic resizing of uploaded avatars if gd_info-fuction exists
- New and unread topics since last visit will be marked now
- Added possibility to define different permissions (viewing/posting/replying) for each forum (including guests)
- Added Orderby function (asc/desc) rfor user lists in the frontend and in the backend
- added JQuery Tooltips to the topics overview
- improved BBCode (W3C changes – img, target, u)
- changed previously working max image width module from CSS to JQuery
- Added XHTML Template
- Added CarbonCity Template
- Added external Latest Topics module
- Added external Board Statistics module
Updates V2.01 2010-05-12
- Poll fix
each was only able to vote for only ONE poll, this is fixed now - fixed missing language entry
- Update instructions can be found here
Updates V2.0 2010-05-07
- completely new language system makes it easier to add and modify languages
- redesigned mostly to classes
- some bugfixes
- really hide deactivated users and fix for not founds
- strip_tags answer
- dynamic template path (css)
- some permission checks
- ... - added activation including welcome and activation mails
- disable activation
- by user
- by admin - added possibility to upload attachments to posts
- added possibility to add polls to topics
- added infos about “WhoIsOnline”
- added some board statisitics to frontpage
- added pagination for single topics (for the posts within)
- added possibility to give users a timeslot for editing their posts
- added possibility to post youtube videos to posts (BBCoded)
- added pagination for userlist
- possibility to use a default avatar
- possibility to add external smilies
- possibility to use gravatars
- Printversion (Textexport)
- RSS-Feed for Forums
- added pagination for search results
- strip bbcode in searchresults
- added categories
- added preview for topics (Mouseover title tag)
Updates V1.57 2010-01-17
- Small security update
Now it’s not possible to add own HTML or JS Codes
Updates V1.56 2009-12-29
- fixed watch forum / watch topic bug
was accessible for non-logged in users too – no impact but unattractive
Updates V1.55 2009-12-26
- Already documented avatar width bug fixed
- Added image dimensions to every image in the templates to prevent of some IE troubles
- The usermanagement is now part of the board administration
- Added ability for board admins to send a message to all active users
- Added forgotten password function
- Added watch topic / watch forum function
- Moderators can edit users through the users profile
- Some small fixes
- Redirecting to active forum after deleting topic
- Redirecting to active forum after lock/unlock topic - Ability to disable/enable avatars
Updates V1.5 2009-12-03
- Most settings can now be defined in the Board Administration and are stored in the database
- Fixed relative path calculation for Windows machines
- Added ability to define maximium width of images in posts to prevent breakout of the content
- Added posibility to enable/disable registration of new users
- !!! New integration method for the sbb into your site !!!
- Enabling/Disabling user messaging boardwide
- Enabling/Disabling board notification
- Added SEO option (can be enabled/disabled) – requires mod_rewrite
Most of the links will be transformed into search engine friendly ones - Now categories (forums) can be defined within the board
- Added Board description
- Added more infos for user (website, interests, birthday (age), place of residence, occupation)
Information can be found next to posts, and in profiles - Added ability to quote posts by one click
- Added overall-search function
Updates V1.46 2009-11-05
- Fixing troubles with magic_quotes, double_escapes
PHP magic_quotes will be no longer supported with PHP 5.3
so SBB now will check if magic_quotes are enabled or not and uses mysql_real_escape_string for SQL-Queries
Updates V1.45.1 2009-10-19
- Small bugfix
Updates V1.45 2009-10-15
- Added CAPTCHA alternative for servers which doesn’t support GD-Library
- Improved and extended BB-Code support
Now supporting[b][/b] ... bold [i][/i] ... italic [u][/u] ... underlined [list][/list] ... list [list][*][/list] ... list [*] ... element of list [quote][/quote] ... quoted text [code][/code] ... codeblock [img]URL[/img] ... image [url]URL[/url] ... url [url=URL]DESCR[/url] ... url with description
- Signatures supports BBCode now too
all BBCodes, expect the [url]-BBCodes,
cause SBB detects links and make them clickable within the signatures - Added total posts and joining date to poster’s info (below avatar) on topic view
Updates V1.4 2009-10-08
- Re-coded the default-template
Almost all Style-definitions are now controlled by the template stylesheet
Expect some margins, floats, widths, heights - Protecting from doubleposts caused by reloading or double-clicks
- Ability to make single topics sticky
Sticky topics are marked and ranked at the top in the topic overview
Can be set by moderators and administrators - Ability to lock and unlock topics
Locked topics are marked in the topics overview and cannot be extended till the topic is unlocked
Updates V1.3 2009-09-24
- Added signature function
now the users can create their own signatures which will be shown below the user’s posts
URLs in Signature will be transformed into clickable links - Added avatar upload function
users can upload their avatars
allowed max-dimensions of the allowed avatars can be defined within the conf.php
avatars will be shown next the username in topic views and profile views - new setup routine
Updates V1.2 2009-09-18
- Increased the flexibility of the paging function
e.g. for page 7 of 21:
1 … 5 6 7 8 9 … 21 - Added possibility to edit posts
currently only available for ADMINs and MODs - Updated CSS-file from the default template
all definititions are only assigned to the CSS-ID sbb – this should prevent from overruling parent style definitions
the ‘old-styled’ CSS-file is still included (V1.2) - Some small fixes
Updates V1.1 2009-09-17
- Added CAPTCHA protection for the registration of new users (thx -> GD Library with GIF Support required)
Can be enabled/disabled within the config file - Added topics-per-page option
The value can be set in the config file - Some small fixes
1st Release V1.0 2009-09-15
hope you like it
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